Hello welcome to my Website!

Welcome Everyone!

the image below is a link to my channel on twitch come and watch the stream. I play many different games from multiplayer to solo player games so come and vibe with the stream. im just a small streamer trying to rise and become big. in the gaming community.


BIO: hello everyone Hello everyone, my name is Juan. I'm from San Francisco, born in Vallejo and raised on 14th and Mission. I’m happy to be here today. For the past 5 years, I have been teaching math to young students going into high school and students going into the 8th grade at the AIM HIGH summer program. I enjoyed being a leader and using my strong communication skills with my students. Did Mission Bit for a few months and developed a small Dragon Ball Z game with my peers. Did photography for a year. My passion is baseball, I was a big critical thinker on and off the field helping the team in my league win the season. Now a CCSF student and on considering majoring in computer science and coding. Thinking of going into the tech medical field and hoping to work in one of the major hospitals in the area,
